How to use YouMatch app
In the next 2-3 weeks after registration, each participant will have their first date in the application. Please read the brief guide below on how it works.
What is the YouMatch app?
The YouMatch app is located right inside Telegram, you can open it by clicking on the link

We recommend that you pin it at the top of your Telegram chats so that it is always at hand.

Be sure to register in the application to use YouMatch services. If you have any difficulties during registration, first of all, restart Telegram and try again.
How can I check that I am already registered with YouMatch?
Follow the link and click to open the application. You should have an application screen with the nearest dates. If this does not happen, contact your concierge or assistant.
How do the app notifications work?
Notifications come from the application inside Telegram itself, as well as from any of your chats. If you have enabled notifications from Telegram and from our application inside it, then everything is fine.
When will I have dates?
The first date will be scheduled within 2-3 weeks after registration, and all new ones will be scheduled once every 2 weeks, sometimes a little more often.

When the nearest date is offered, you can choose any of the 2 available days a week - Friday or Saturday at a fixed time at 20:00. If the date time is not suitable or plans have changed, you can later reschedule it to another day.
How dates are scheduled:
  • Every week, the YouMatch algorithm selects a candidate individually for your criteria for the next date, if the probability of success is high, then we organize an online date.
  • As soon as a date is scheduled, you will receive a notification from the YouMatch app inside Telegram. Usually, notifications come on Sunday or Monday.
  • If you miss the first notification, we will send you a second one again.
  • You will have a maximum of 48 hours to choose the time and confirm the date after receiving the first notification, and if you do not, the date will be canceled. If you miss the scheduled dates or their confirmation more than 2 times, the account may be suspended or blocked. You need to check the date inside the application after receiving the notification.
How dates occure: when the date time is approaching, you will receive a notification from the application with a link to a video call. You need to follow the link to the browser, connect and enjoy your conversation:), no additional applications are required.
How to pause the search?
The application has a "Continue Search" switch, turn it off if you can't go on dates now, and turn it on again when you're available. So you can avoid skipping dates and blocking your account.
YouMatch service rules via link.
If you have any issues while using the application, you can always contact the help center via or your personal assistant.